Novodiax research scientist Shuo Chen, PhD recently presented a poster on rapid immunocytochemistry (ICC) at the 109th annual United States and Canadian Association of Pathology (USCAP) meeting in Los Angeles. This presentation was the culmination of a year-long investigation into the use of Novodiax polyHRP-conjugated antibodies (ihcDirect®) for novel applications in rapid immunocytochemistry (ICC). There’s […]
Category Archives: Meet the Team
From leading the development of Novodiax’s polyHRP platform technology and rapid immunohistochemistry assays to designing instruments and tools that help improve immunoassay test workflows (e.g. ihc Slide Manager), Jin Wu, PhD has been an instrumental part of the Novodiax team dedicated to delivering cutting-edge, high quality products for our customers. For this first installment of […]